2006년 말까지 미국/캐나다에 있는 Skype 유저가 미국/캐나다의 유선-무선으로 전화를 거는 것을 공짜로 제공하겠다고 한다.
아래 인용한 글은 Skype Blog에 있는 글인데, 일단 한 번 보자..
We just announced that SkypeOut is now free within the US and Canada to all landlines and mobiles, until at least the end of 2006.
How does this work?
If you’re in the US or Canada, you can use SkypeOut to call any landline or mobile number in both the USA and Canada for free.
If you’re in the US or Canada and calling any other country, OR ifyou’re in any other country and calling landline or mobile numbers inthe US or Canada, the standard SkypeOut rates apply.
Of course, Skype-to-Skype calls continue to be globally free, so no changes there.
See also the campaign FAQ.
Is it really free? What are the strings attached?
Yes. It is really very, very free. There’s no prepayment, no minimum use, no subscription, no monthly fee, no nothing. You just download and installSkype and then you start calling. Both the caller and the number calledmust be in either the US or Canada. There are no strings attached.
The only condition is that we have said free SkypeOut within the USand Canada is guaranteed to last until the end of this year — that is,until December 31, 2006. We’re not quite sure yet what we will do afterthat. Maybe we extend the free period, maybe not. You’ll hear moreabout this towards the end of the year.
Until then, happy calling.
Note that if you haven’t bought any Skype Credit, your Skype clientmay still tell you something about needing to buy some before you canuse SkypeOut. Just disregard that and place your call. It will workfine :) We already had this for toll-free 800 numbers where you couldcall them for free without actually buying any credit so we know thisworks. And it works on all platforms where SkypeOut is available, whichat this time means Windows, Mac, Linux and Pocket PC.
This also works with call forwarding. If you have call forwarded toyour US or Canadian phone or cell number and someone calls you from theUS or Canada, it gets forwarded to your phone or cell and it costs younothing. If you get a call from another country, the forwarding costsyou the standard calling rate. Note that this is not applicable withSkypeIn — calls received with SkypeIn and then forwarded with SkypeOutcost you the standard rates.
As far as we know, this is the first time in history when unlimitedcalls to a standard telephone network are free without any form ofpayment or subscription. That’s kind of cool. (Update: ok, as thecomments here and on Digg say, there were a few others years ago. Oh well.)
This is also a great example of Skype being lean and mean. Wecontinue to innovate rapidly. From the inception of this “project” offree North American SkypeOut to you actually reading this and beingable to use it, the time period was really short. Many thanks to thewhole team involved in making this.
그런데, 좀 특이 사항이 있는 듯 하다.
- 미국과 캐나다라는 물리적 공간에서 이용하는 사람에게만 공짜가 적용된다. 미국/캐나다 외 지역에 사는 유저가 미국/캐나다 유선/무선으로 걸면 원래 요금이 적용된다고 한다. 이걸 어떻게 구분하지?
- Call Forward에 대해서도 동일하게 적용된다. 즉, 미국/캐나다 지역의 유저가 콜포워딩을 활성화해서 미국/캐나다 유선/무선으로 포워딩시키면 공짜란다.
- 그런데, 위 Call Forwarding 공짜는 SkypeIn 서비스에는 해당이 되질 않는다. 즉, 스카이프 유저가 미국 로컬번호를 가지고 있는데, 어떤 사람이 이 로컬번호로 전화를 한 경우 콜포워딩이 된다면 이건 공짜에 해당하지 않는다는 이야기이다.
나의 관심은 왜 스카이프에서 미국/캐나다 무료 전화 서비스를 제공하는지에 있다.Thanks to everyone for your comments. Keep ‘em coming. We are already story of the month on Digg — please go digg it and help us become story of the year :-)
Two updates that were brought on since last night and that we have been working on…
The most pressing issue was of course many people in the US andCanada not being able to use the free calls. You may have got a messagelike “You need Skype Credit to call to ordinary phones” or somethingalong those lines. We updated our detection engine earlier today andhave confirmation that this is now resolved for many users. So if itdidn’t work for you before, chances are good that it does now, soplease retry. Note that there may be some locations where it stilldoesn’t work — in this case, please report your public IP address and location to our Customer Service. We continue to work on this.
Secondly, there have been questions about what happens to your SkypeCredit now that you got free calls. The answer is that Skype Creditremains on your account and its validity extends the same way as it didbefore — your Skype Credit is valid for 180 days from your last call orpurchase. This includes also the free North American calls. So thecredit won’t expire as long you keep using SkypeOut, be it paid or free.
예전에 Dialpad.com에서도 미국/캐나다 무료 통화를 제공하고 광고 수익을 올리는 모델을 추진하다 몰락했다는 것은 주지의 사실이다.
물론 그 당시에 비해 미국/캐나다의 Termination Fee가 굉장히 낮아졌다(내가 알기로는 거의 0.1센트 수준이 아닐까)는 사실인데.. 그래도 이용자가 많이 쓰면 부담으로 다가올텐데..
거리(Distance)에 따라 Local/Long Distance/Overseas로 구별하는 것이 전통적인 PSTN에서의 과금의 척도지만, 인터넷이라는 공간에서는 Distance의 개념은 없다. PSTN의 지역번호/국가번호는 표준이 있어 잘 구분하지만, 인터넷에서는 거의 불가능하다.
IP Address를 제한하는 것 자체가 무료통화 대상을 축소해서 Termination Cost를 낮추는 전략일지도 모르겠다.
최근에 가입자가 1억명을 넘어서 승승장구하는 Skype가 왜 무료전화라는 마케팅을 전개하는지, Skype는 인터넷에서 음성과 관련된 비즈니스를 버리고 기존 PSTN 음성 시장을 타켓으로 잡는 미련함을 가진 것은 아닌지 의심스럽다.
여튼 미국/캐나다에 사는 사람은 좋겠다.
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